HQL? First Purchase? Let’s chat…

Happy February! Where did January go? I hope all of you had a wonderful and healthy holiday season. It has been a while since I have written a blog. I’ve been thinking of what to write about and over the past couple of months I have spoken to numerous new HQL holders who are looking to purchase their first regulated firearm (handguns or revolvers). They often have many questions. I thought, I could blog about that. So, let’s get into it.

I’ll start at the beginning…Do you have your Handgun Qualification License, also known as an HQL? If you do, you are now legally allowed to purchase a regulated firearm in the state of Maryland. If you do not have your HQL yet, FreeState can absolutely help you with that. We offer the HQL class on a regular basis. You can register on line or in the store. The cost of the class is $175.00 which includes fingerprinting. The only other cost is a $50.00 application fee to Maryland State Police. This is a four hour class and is full of all the knowledge you need to know to own your first regulated firearm.

Ok, now that you have your HQL, what should you do now? First and foremost, Do Not let anyone tell you what gun is best for you! I have many first time buyers come in and say “My [fill in the blank] told me I need to get a [fill in the blank] because this, that, and the other”. Or one of my favorites (not really), male comes in with female and says, “Where are your small guns? She’s a female and has small hands”. Let me start by saying just because she is a female, does not mean she has to own a small gun!!! Second, you may get a lot of opinions from people on what gun to purchase, especially when they find out you are a first time buyer. My comment to all of that is YOU have to make the decision and purchase what is best for you. There are many personal preferences that come with buying a firearm.

Now, before we go any further on this journey, I want to briefly explain what you will need to actually make your purchase and complete your paperwork. Before making your purchase or even while you are still deciding on what to purchase you should create your 77R. This is the Maryland required paperwork for owning a regulated firearm. You will want to go to https://mdsp.maryland.gov/Organization/Pages/CriminalInvestigationBureau/LicensingDivision.aspx and click the blue button. Then you will want to create an account. Once your account is created you will need to start your 77R. Once completed, you will receive an email from MDSP with an application number and PIN. Bring these numbers with you at time of purchase. Please also make sure you bring your valid MD Driver’s License with your current address (if current address is not on your ID please have one of the 3 accepted correction documents with your current address; MDOT Change of Address Card, MDOT Vehicle Registration Card, or MD Voter’s Registration Card) and your HQL letter/notification. Please allow yourself time to complete the necessary paperwork required by law once you have made your purchase. The firearm dealer will need to complete the 77R you created by making it gun specific and you will need to complete the Federal form 4473. You are also required to pay MDSP a $10.00 application fee upon the Dealer’s completion of the 77R. I know this seems like a lot but as long as you know what you need the process will go smoothly.

Let’s get back to making that important decision of choosing the right firearm for you. There are a lot of things to consider. Handgun or revolver? Full size or compact? Manual safety or passive safety? Steal frame or polymer? What caliber should I choose? Striker fire or hammer fire? These are just a few things to ask yourself when you are deciding what to purchase. Here are my suggestions:

  • Do your research - That can be going to different gun shops and asking to see and hold different firearms. Ask questions! See how it feels in your hand. Write down the firearms that you want to research a little more and do some online research on those particular firearms. Read reviews and watch video reviews.

  • Go to the range - Just like buying a new car…take it for a test drive. Many ranges have firearms you can rent. Rent the firearms you have researched and see what they are like. Make comparisons. Pay attention to how it feels in your hand. Pay attention to how it feels when you fire it. Do you have good control? Are you able to rack the slide? Is it too heavy or too light?

  • Price Point - Yes, this is important. I’m not saying you have to purchase the most expensive firearm on the market. Would some of us like to do that? Absolutely!!! But, I know most of us have a budget. The most important thing I can say here is, you get what you pay for. There are some firearms out there that are very inexpensive. Don’t fall into that trap. If you want quality and a firearm that will function properly when you need it most, like protecting your life or the life of a loved one, don’t get lured in by low cost.

  • Opinion - Everybody has one, form your own!!!! Remember this all comes down to personal preference.

Choosing your first firearm to purchase is an important one that you should take your time with. If you keep these suggestions in mind, I have no doubt you will be happy with your purchase. And if your happy you will want to come to the range to practice and train. Don’t let your purchase become a paperweight.

As always, I hope this helps. Let me know your thoughts and questions. Until next time, stay safe and I’ll see you at the range!


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