Spray or Gel…That is the Question

Have you ever thought about carrying a Less than Lethal option for self protection? Have you thought about Pepper Spray? Do you know there are different types of spiciness you can carry? Yes, I said spiciness.

If you answered yes to the first two questions but are unsure about the third, keep reading.

Pepper Spray is a great less than lethal self protection option to carry. It is legal, no permit is required, it is easy to learn & use, and it allows distance to be kept between you and the perpetrator. However, did you know there are different options when it comes to choosing the spiciness you carry. There is Spray and there is Gel. One of the most frequent questions I get asked is, “What is the difference?”. Which is usually followed by, “What would you chose?”. Let’s get into it.

Pepper Spray: Just as it sounds, this comes out in a spray. Think of aerosol hair spray. The plus side to this is the area of coverage will be greater and may be able to deter multiple attackers. The down side to this is if you are outside and there is any slight breeze, you may experience blowback. This can potentially disable you and not the intended target. This is not the goal. Also, if you are indoors, the spray may be affecting others who are in the same space. Remember, we only want to disable the perpetrator, not ourselves or innocent bystanders. Pepper Spray will only be accurate up to approximately 10 feet.

Pepper Gel: This option dispenses in a straight stream and is a thick, sticky consistency. This is the first plus to pepper gel. Due to its consistency, it will stick to the perpetrator’s skin and will be more difficult for them to wipe off. The pepper gel also has a longer range of approximately 18-20 feet, putting greater distance between you and your attacker. The most important pro to pepper gel is there is a much lower chance of blowback, almost no chance, thus making it safer for you to use outside as well as inside. It is best to aim when using pepper gel. Your target should be right across the eyes of the perpetrator, with a back and forth sweeping motion.

What do I chose?…My go to is Pepper Gel. In my opinion it is the safer and more accurate choice to defend against an attacker. Two questions you should ask yourself when making your choice… 1) Will it stop my attacker long enough for me to get help? and 2) Will it affect me or any innocent bystanders?

At FreeState Gun Range we offer a variety of Pepper Spray and Pepper Gel. One item we offer is a dual pack which contains Pepper Gel and Practice Canister. Stop in and take a look. We also offer a Pepper Spray/Gel Training Course. The course covers a wide range of classroom instruction including levels of awareness and how to maintain an alert state to decontamination methods to drills and everything in between.

I look forward to hearing from you. Whether it is a question, a comment, or just a friendly “hey”. We are here for you. Stay Safe!


Dry Fire


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