Sheep or Sheep Dog?

It’s that time of year. The holiday season is upon us. Are you out doing your holiday shopping? It gets dark super early. Are you out visiting friends and family or going to holiday parties? How is your Situational Awareness? Are you a sheep or a sheep dog? Are you a hard target or a soft target? Let’s find out…

Have you ever heard of Lt. Col. Jeff Cooper’s Color Codes of Awareness? Lt. Col. Cooper, U.S.M.C., was the first to use the Color Codes as an indication of mindset, primarily for troops and how they respond in combat.

Have you ever heard of Lt. Col. Dave Grossman’s Sheep Dog Mentality? Lt. Col. Grossman, U.S.A., writes and teaches this mindset that explains human society to be made up of Wolves (predators/criminals), Sheep (prey/victims), and Sheep Dogs (protectors/warriors).

In this blog, I will be breaking down the color codes and explaining where the sheep, sheep dogs, and wolves fit in comparison.

Let’s take a look at each color and breakdown what they mean.

Code White: During this code you are completely relaxed. You could be distracted or pre-occupied, oblivious to your surroundings. For instance, being on your cell phone, feeling safe because you “know” your surroundings, having the mindset of “nothing will happen to me”. All of these give you the victim mentality whether it is intentional or not. This would put you in the category of “A Sheep” or a soft (easy) target. Ninety percent of the population are sheep. They are ordinary, non-violent, and creatures of habit. Almost like an ostrich with its head in the sand. Is this a bad way to be? Yes and no. Is there a good time to be in Code White? Yes, during times of sleep. Your body actually needs this to regenerate so you can function properly.

Code Yellow: This is the code you want to be operating in all of the time. You are in a relaxed state of awareness, not paranoid or nervous. You have good common sense and all of your senses are working normally. This is where you are paying attention to your surroundings. You do not have a victim mentality. You are the Sheep Dog! This makes you a hard target. You are aware!!! Sheep Dogs are protectors. Whether you are protecting yourself, your loved ones, or maybe even a stranger who can’t protect their self, as a Sheep Dog you are on watch. Essentially, your head is on a swivel. In 2019 the average response time in Baltimore, Maryland for a crime of violence was 16 minutes. Your safety and protection is dependent on your mindset. Some of you may be asking, Do I need to be on Code Yellow even in the safety of my own home? The answer is yes.

Code Orange: Ears are up, nose is in the air, and eyes are wide. The Sheep Dog is now on high alert! A potential threat, the wolf, has been identified. You may have that, “it just doesn’t feel right” vibe or bias/stereotypes may come into play. Either way, you have just become hyper vigilant. You are focused or experience tunnel vision. In your mind, you have set a boundary. This boundary could be physical or mental but, you know if crossed an action will need to be initiated. This is where we put the old adage Fight or Flight into action. Is there anything wrong with running? Absolutely not. Sometimes just creating a distraction or diversion is all it takes to save your life or another’s life. Using your prior training, skills, and planning is essential. But that training and knowledge needs to be exercised. Do not become complacent. Always practice your training and think of new plans. Like the Sheep Dog, always be on the move and ready to redirect in a flash.

Code Red: Alarm = Action. During Code Orange, you identified a potential threat. In Code Red, that potential threat is now real and boundaries have been crossed. You now have to execute your plan. Will it be fight or flight? Either way, you are on the move. You are face to face with the Wolf. In this code you may experience sharpened senses, auditory exclusion, time dilation, full tunnel vision, and/or full adrenaline dump. Do you think it is easier to get to Code Red if living in Code White or Yellow? Logic states Yellow. However, it is possible to go from White to Red quickly at times. The most important thing to remember is you are the only one who is going to protect you. You are your first line of defense. Know your plan and get off that “X”.

Code Black: System Overload. This will happen to most people. You may feel a sense of panic, the “gasp” reaction. There could be the startle response. “Deer in the headlights” or freeze response is also common. Some may go into the submit state. These are all normal. This is where understanding your training and practice is important. As well as learning how and being able to apply those skills to real life situations. Always keep in mind, whoever can get from Black back to Red quickly has a better chance of survival.

I’m hopeful that this blog got you thinking and analyzing your mindset and how you walk through your days. Are you a Sheep or a Sheep Dog? In this world of uncertainty in which we all live, I hope that we will all be Sheep Dogs and protect each other as well as ourselves to our fullest ability.

I would love to hear from you with any questions, comments, or concerns. If you are looking for training classes, FreeState Gun Range has many. Our training department offers Situational Awareness and Response Training, Home Invasion Survival, and Carjacking Survival. All of these classes offer a wealth of knowledge and practical training. And these are only a few of the classes they offer. Visit FreeState’s website at or come by the range to get more information. We would love to see you.

Until next time, stay safe!


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